Splash House 2018

Splash House is located in Palm Spring and the lineup was too fire I could not resist. They host the event twice a year and my girls and I went to the August event.

Flying into Palm Springs is expensive so we flew into LAX and had a friend pick us up and drive the two hours to the event. The event is pretty affordable. It was about $120 for two days. The event has multiple venues at three local hotels with a free shuttle to each one. We only saw two of the three venues because we stuck to where the best line up was. I have to admit that the music was pretty quiet at one of the hotels. Another downside to this event was how hot it was. It was over 100 degrees each day and we spent most of our time hanging out in people’s air conditioned hotels than we actually spent in front of the stage. The after party at the Air Museum was a ton of fun. There was plenty of room to dance and it kept the party going. To stay at the venue’s hotel was pretty expensive. We had the luxury of staying at a friend’s house who lived nearby. I prefer it this way so you don’t have random people walking around your hotel and you can leave and decompress.

We ate at Pinocchio’s, which had bottomless mimosas for only $10.  We also ate at Broken Yolk, which had a million and one yummy mimosa flavors. I had the Hawaiian Bread French toast plate and it was delicious. The event ended early on Sunday and the game plan was to leave after to sleep at our friend’s house in LA because we had a 5 am flight the next morning. Sike. We ended up partying at the Renaissance until 1 am and showed up to the airport looking like a couple of homeless women. I tried my best to go to work that day but definitely did not make it. It is getting harder to bounce back these days! If you have a love for tech house music, I highly recommend this festival. You won’t regret it!
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P.S. I met Hannah Wants at Splash House!